Bermuda Business Attire: Unveiling the Unique Dress Code

Bermuda Business Attire: Unveiling the Unique Dress Code


When it comes to fashion, every place has its unique style and dress code that reflects its culture and environment. Bermuda, a tropical paradise in the Atlantic, is no exception.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Bermuda’s fashion is its distinctive business attire. Unlike anywhere else, Bermuda has embraced a formal dress code that includes the famous Bermuda shorts.

In this article, we will delve into the history, guidelines, and significance of Bermuda business attire, providing you with an in-depth understanding of this fascinating sartorial tradition.

The Origin of Bermuda Shorts

To truly comprehend the significance of Bermuda business attire, we must first explore the origin of the iconic Bermuda shorts. Contrary to popular belief, Bermuda shorts were not born in Bermuda but rather in London by British military forces at the turn of the 20th century.

These shorts were initially worn by officers stationed in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the British Empire, including Bermuda. The Royal Navy, having already adopted white shorts and long white stockings as part of their tropical uniform, likely pioneered the concept of Bermuda shorts.

British Army units serving across the Empire soon followed suit, incorporating khaki shorts into their summer uniforms.

Bermudian Adaptation

While Bermuda shorts originated outside the island, Bermudians quickly embraced this distinctive style and made it their own. In the 1920s, local tailors in the city of Hamilton and the historic town of St. George modified the military-inspired shorts, giving them a unique Bermudian touch. Bermudians added their flair, including knee-length socks borrowed from Scottish tradition, often featuring colorful tassels.

They also replaced the British-style ankle boots with American-made loafers, complete with fashionable tassels. Bermudian businessmen further refined the ensemble by pairing the shorts with a jacket, a short-sleeved white shirt, and a tie, creating the Bermuda business attire that we know today.

Bermuda Business Attire: A Formal Dress Code

Bermuda business attire is distinct in its formality and adherence to certain guidelines. While it may seem unconventional to outsiders, Bermudians take great pride in their dress code, considering it appropriate for both business and social occasions.

The cornerstone of Bermuda business attire is, of course, the Bermuda shorts, worn three inches above the knee. These shorts are meticulously tailored, often featuring a three-inch hand-sewn hem for the perfect fit. They are typically pleated for business use, but a more casual variety can be unpleated. Bermuda shorts are accompanied by knee-length socks, known as Bermuda hose, imported from overseas.

The Complete Ensemble

To fully embrace Bermuda business attire, one must pay attention to the entire ensemble. Alongside the Bermuda shorts and knee-length socks, a white or blue button-down Oxford shirt is the preferred choice. The shirt is usually short-sleeved, reflecting the island’s warm climate. Tying the outfit together is a conservative Windsor knotted striped tie, a corporate insignia tie, or a club or regimental tie.

These ties add a touch of sophistication and professionalism to the overall look. Completing the ensemble is a single or double-breasted navy blue blazer or a sports coat. The blazer or coat should contrast with the Bermuda shorts, adding a visual element of distinction.

The Perfect Footwear

When it comes to footwear, Bermudians favor imported loafers with tassels. These loafers, typically from the United States, come in black or brown, depending on the color of the Bermuda shorts. The loafers not only complement the overall look but also ensure maximum comfort for long days in the office or attending social events.

The choice of loafers adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the Bermuda business attire, making it suitable for both formal and casual settings.

Colors and Seasons

While Bermuda business attire maintains a formal aesthetic, it also allows for personal expression through color choices. Conservative colors such as gray, beige, and navy blue are the traditional options, reflecting a more professional atmosphere. However, some individuals opt for bolder colors like orange, pink, green, or yellow, adding a dash of vibrancy to their outfits.

The choice of color can vary depending on personal preference and the occasion. It is important to note that Bermuda shorts are not limited to specific seasons; they are worn by locals from April to November, showcasing their versatility and practicality in Bermuda’s tropical climate.

The Significance of Bermuda Business Attire

Bermuda business attire holds immense significance for both Bermudians and visitors alike. It is not merely a fashion statement but rather a symbol of pride, tradition, and identity. Embracing Bermuda business attire showcases respect for the local culture and acknowledges the unique customs of the island.

By adhering to the dress code, individuals demonstrate their understanding of the formalities associated with business and social engagements in Bermuda. The attire fosters a sense of camaraderie and unity among the locals, creating a distinct identity that sets Bermuda apart from other destinations.

Evolving Fashion Trends

While Bermuda business attire has remained relatively consistent over the years, fashion trends naturally evolve. Modern interpretations and variations of the dress code have emerged, catering to individual preferences and contemporary styles.

Today, fashion designers have introduced cargo-style Bermuda shorts, providing a more urban and casual option for those seeking a modern twist. Striped or lightly printed shorts have also gained popularity, offering a chic and effortless look. It is important to note that while these variations exist, the traditional Bermuda business attire remains the standard for formal occasions and professional settings.

Bermuda Business Attire: Beyond the Island

The impact of Bermuda business attire extends far beyond the shores of the island itself. Visitors and expatriates who experience the uniqueness of Bermuda’s fashion often embrace it and incorporate it into their wardrobes. The Bermuda shorts, with their timeless appeal and sophisticated design, have gained recognition across the globe.

By donning Bermuda shorts, individuals pay homage to Bermuda’s cultural heritage and exude a sense of style and elegance wherever they go. This global recognition and adoption have solidified Bermuda business attire as an iconic and influential fashion statement.

Embracing Bermuda Business Attire

For those who have the opportunity to experience Bermuda and its vibrant culture, embracing Bermuda business attire is an excellent way to immerse oneself in the local customs. By adhering to the dress code, individuals demonstrate respect for the island’s traditions and foster a deeper connection with the community.

Whether attending a business meeting, a social event, or simply strolling through the streets of Bermuda, donning the Bermuda business attire allows individuals to fully embrace the spirit of the island and showcase their appreciation for its unique fashion heritage.


Bermuda business attire is a testament to the island’s rich history, cultural pride, and distinctive fashion sense. The iconic Bermuda shorts, accompanied by knee-length socks, a button-down shirt, a tie, and a blazer, create a harmonious ensemble that exudes professionalism and style. While initially born out of British military uniforms, Bermuda business attire has evolved into a symbol of Bermudian identity and a respected dress code for both business and social occasions.

Embracing this unique fashion tradition allows individuals to connect with the island’s heritage and showcase their appreciation for its vibrant culture. So, the next time you find yourself in Bermuda, don’t hesitate to don the Bermuda business attire and become part of this fascinating sartorial legacy.

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