Food Safety - EPIC

Food Safety – Tips for Keeping Your Food Safe and Compliant

Effective Performance Integral Consultancy Limited (EPIC) is your premier partner in achieving excellence in food safety. Our expert team offers top-notch consultancy and training to help your business maintain the highest safety standards.

To assist you in mastering food safety, we present a comprehensive guide that simplifies key principles and practices. 

Why Does Food Safety Matters?

Food safety is all about making sure the food we eat is clean and free from anything harmful. Poor food safety can lead to serious health problems like food poisoning. To prevent this, it’s essential to follow food safety and hygiene practices. EPIC helps businesses understand these practices and apply them effectively.

Key Practices for Food Safety and Hygiene

To keep your food safe, follow these easy food safety and hygiene tips:

  1. Proper Handling: Always handle food carefully. Use separate utensils for raw and cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination. Wash your hands before and after handling food.
  2. Sanitation Procedures: Regularly clean all food preparation areas, utensils, and equipment. This helps stop the spread of germs and keeps everything hygienic.
  3. Temperature Control: Keep food at the right temperatures. Store cold foods in the refrigerator at 40°F or below, and keep hot foods at 140°F or above to stop bacteria from growing.
  4. Personal Hygiene: Make sure everyone working with food follows good hygiene practices. This includes wearing clean clothes, using hair nets, and staying away from work when sick.

We offer training on these essential practices to help businesses maintain top-notch food safety and hygiene.

Food Safety - Tips for Keeping Your Food Safe and Compliant

Using the HACCP Food Safety Management System

A powerful tool for managing food safely is the HACCP food safety management system. HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. It’s a step-by-step method to identify and control potential problems in food production.

Here’s how HACCP works:

  1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis: Look for any risks that could make food unsafe.
  2. Determine Critical Control Points (CCPs): Find the key points where you need to control these risks.
  3. Establish Critical Limits: Set the maximum or minimum levels for these control points to keep things safe.
  4. Monitor CCPs: Regularly check to ensure that your control points stay within the set limits.
  5. Implement Corrective Actions: If a control point isn’t working correctly, take steps to fix it immediately.
  6. Verify the System: Regularly review your HACCP plan to make sure it’s working well.
  7. Maintain Records: Keep detailed records of all your HACCP activities and checks.

We specialise in helping businesses set up and maintain a HACCP food safety management system. We provide guidance to ensure your system is effective and compliant with food safety standards.

Why is EPIC the Best Choice for Food Safety?

We are known for providing excellent consulting and training relevant to safety of food. Based in the UK, with offices around the world, we offer expert advice and support to businesses of all sizes.

  1. Expertise and Experience: Our team has deep knowledge and experience in safety of food, so you get the best advice.
  2. Customised Solutions: We understand that every business is unique. We provide training solutions tailored to your specific needs.
  3. Global Reach: With our offices in various regions, we offer global expertise combined with local insights.
  4. Comprehensive Services: From HACCP implementation and training to auditing and inspection, we cover all aspects relevant to safety of food.

Benefits of a Strong Food Safety Program

Investing in a good food safety program has many benefits:

  1. Protects Consumers: Ensures your food is safe and helps avoid health issues.
  2. Enhances Your Reputation: Builds trust with your customers by showing you care about safety.
  3. Ensures Compliance: Keeps you on the right side of regulations and avoids fines.
  4. Improves Efficiency: Streamlines your operations and makes things run smoothly.

Final thought

Food safety is crucial for any food-related business. By following food safety and hygiene practices and using a HACCP food safety management system, you can keep your food safe and your business compliant. EPIC is here to support you with expert advice, training, and services.

For more information on how EPIC can help your organisation with food safety, get in touch with us today. Visit our website and we’re ready to help you create a safer and more efficient food environment.

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