Top 10 Tips for Clients When Reviewing Website Dummy Layout Designs

When you’re looking at a website’s dummy Layout Designs layout design, it’s important to carefully review it to make sure it meets your needs.

This is the blueprint for what your website will look like, so it’s crucial to check various aspects to ensure everything works well.

Today, the best website designing company in Delhi brings ten easy tips to help you evaluate the design and make sure it’s right for your business.

These tips can help you make informed decisions and ensure that the final website design meets your needs and expectations.

Understand Your Goals

Ensure that the layout aligns with your business goals and target audience.

Review if the design supports your objectives and effectively communicates your message.

When reviewing a website layout, start by understanding your goals.

Think about what you want your website to achieve.

Are you trying to sell products, share information, or get people to contact you?

The layout should help with these goals.

Check if the design highlights your main messages.

For example, if you want to sell products, the design should make it easy to see and buy them.

If you want people to call or email you, the contact information should be clear and easy to find.

Make sure the design supports what you want to do with your website.

This way, the site will work better for your business.

Focus on Navigation

Check if the navigation is intuitive and easy to use.

A clear and logical menu structure helps users find information quickly.

When checking the website layout, focus on how easy it is to navigate.

Navigation means how visitors move around your site.

Look at the menu and links.

They should be simple to find and use.

The menu should be clear and organized, so visitors can easily find what they are looking for.

Check if the important pages are easy to reach.

For example, if people want to see your products or contact you, they should be able to do so quickly.

A good navigation system helps visitors stay on your site longer and find what they need without getting frustrated.

This makes for a better experience and helps them find information easily.


The user flow should help visitors get to what they need without confusion.

A clear and simple path helps visitors have a better experience on your site and makes it more likely they will do what you want them to do.

Gather Feedback

If possible, get opinions from real users or stakeholders.

They can provide valuable insights into how the design performs in practice.

When reviewing the website design, try to get feedback from others.

Ask real users, team members, or stakeholders what they think about the design.

They can give you different ideas and point out things you might have missed.

See if they find the design easy to use and if it meets their needs.

Collect their opinions on what they like and what they think could be improved.

This feedback is valuable because it shows how the design works in real life.

It helps you make changes to improve the website before it goes live.

Listening to others ensures the final design works well for everyone who will use it.

Test Functionality

Make sure that all interactive elements, such as forms, buttons, and links, work correctly.

It is important the best social media marketing activities.

Functional issues can frustrate users and affect your site’s performance.

When checking the website design, make sure all interactive features work properly.

This includes things like buttons, forms, and links.

Test each one to see if it does what it is supposed to do.

For example, check if clicking a button leads to the right page or if a form sends the information correctly.

If something doesn’t work, it can make visitors frustrated and might stop them from using your site.

Proper functionality is important for a good user experience.

Make sure everything is tested and working before the website goes live.

This helps ensure visitors can easily use your site and get the information or actions they need.

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